Friday, January 10, 2014

The First Commandment

Bryson's daycare is closed today. Something about a burst pipe. So it's the Bear and me solo for the day. Or almost solo. I call in reinforcements and Ms. Sabita arrives like Mary Poppins and I can actually get work done today.

They spend the day reading...

They spend the day singing. Here they are listening to Raffi's Baby Beluga.

The Bear is captivated.

They spend the day having the Bear show off his vocabulary.



Northern Lights

They spend the day dancing.

They spend the day hiding treasures in the mailbox. Apparently the Bear not only puts crackers in there but his favorite cars (in this case, robot car).

One thing that the Bear does not show off with Ms. Sabita is his ability to string words into sentences. At daycare, his teachers have noticed he is now using sentences with his classmates. "Max, come." He is also exercising this skill with me. "Mommy no." And this morning, "Raisins. Mommy get." He had dropped a raisin and insisted that I be the one to get it.

Here he is getting his raisins.

Here he is telling me it fell. "Uh oh."

Then "Mommy get." Ah yes, the first commandment - Bryson style.

The Bear and I are also solo tonight (Alex is at a Neil Young concert). The Bear had pasta that Daddy had made him. Thank goodness or else it would be more quesadillas for him.

Mr. Bear at bath time. He insists that we do flash cards. Which I attempt until he puts one of the cards underneath the flowing faucet.

Mr. Bear up to his usual antics.

He likes to practice swimming.

And can even multi-task.

The Bear in his superhero duds.

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