Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Blanket and Bear from Aunt Missy

Scarlet and Bryson

Such sweet brother and sister moments. Mr. Bear shows his cars to Bryson and explains that he has organized them by the number on the car. Scarlet, who hates tummy time and will bawl after 15 seconds, is enraptured and stays up for five minutes listening to her big brother.

Blanket from Mrs. Flagg

Scarlet with a handmade blanket from Mrs. Flagg.

Dino Shoes from Scarlet

Little B with his not so little gut.

Bryson - Happy 4 Years and 2 Months!

Nana and Bryson in New Paltz

Nana and the Bear spent the week together in New Paltz. We went hiking and biking and even had a bonfire and homemade pizza. Yum!