Friday, January 31, 2014

Stairmaster Bear

Uploading early since I won't be seeing the Bear until tomorrow. I am at a conference in Stamford so Daddy is handling all pick-up and Bear logistics stuff for some solid Daddy-Bear bonding time.

The Bear kicks off the morning with a new trick. He comes up with a hiding spot for his cars and planes and Bear treasures. Where is this secret spot? How about the diaper changing pad.

Ultra hygienic.

What to do before our morning oatmeal routine? Bring up all of our cars to the table and line them up.


All ready to go with our snowsuit, hat, and sock gloves.


But just one more minute of playing with our cars before we go. Bryson then takes another five minutes waving goodbye and telling them he'll be back.

Smooth walk to daycare and lots of spotting of cars, trucks, vans, bikes, police cars, and cement mixers.

Mr. Bear all rosey cheeked and ready to climb the stairs.


Big boy makes it all the way up!


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