Friday, January 24, 2014

Daddy Will Be So Happy If You Pee Pee

We kick off our Friday morning with Mommy coming up with a new idea. How about lowering the chances of a tantrum by putting the Bear into his jacket, gloves, and shoes while he is in his high chair. She even thinks of putting a hat on Mr. Reindeer to further entice the Bear to put it on.


The Bear takes the bait and swats his hat back insisting he wants to wear it. One point for Mommy!


As I'm dressing him, the Bear plays the Tu Bebe Puede Leer game. He points to the different words when they are called: cerdo, gato, abeja...

Mommy is impressed. What does abeja mean?

All calm and cool, the Bear waves goodbye to his cars one at a time, "Bye bye cat car. Bye bye police car..." It takes awhile for him to get through his lengthy brigade. He ends by telling them that he will be back.

Mommy gets to work from home today so she lets the Bear walk to school and crosses her fingers.


Smooth sailing - the Bear makes it in record time (keep in mind that the last record was snail paced slow).

Post school, the Bear takes initiative by setting up the napkins on the table. Mommy is impressed and is reminded of the day that her brother and she surprised her own mom by setting up the dishes for dinner and cleaning up. It was meant to be a birthday one time shot thing, but Lola being the smart woman she is saw an opportunity. Mommy and her brother then set up and cleaned up everyday. For the rest of their lives.


When Daddy comes home, the Bear helps him with loading the dishwasher.

Here is the Bear and Daddy on the potty.


The Bear can read a bunch of words on his own: quilt, flowers, window, door, broom...


As Mommy types, she hears Daddy tell the Bear: Daddy will be so happy if you pee pee.

Then Bear giggling.

Daddy: Please?

More giggling.

Post potty in the bathtub now, I hear Daddy again: Bubba, you went pee pee in the tub? Oh man!

Bubba mimicking and giggling: Oh man!

Better luck next time Daddy.

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