Thursday, January 2, 2014

First Stop: Cozumel

Freshly showered and ready for port in Cozumel, Mexico.

But first some light reading to kick off the day.

After trying to hoof it ourselves to the nearest beach (read: 10 kilometers), a cab stops us and tempts us with a 7-minute ride. None of us resist. Here we are 9-minutes later in our own little cabana (read: mattress on wood poles).

Mr. Bear does some extra relaxing.

Time to hit the water!

This is Bryson's excited face.

My three handsome men.

We try burying Bryson's feet in the sand and finally give up. Then we bury our own feet in the sand. Looking at my dad's face, I'm not sure he is successful at this task.

Mr. Bear takes his nap in his Baby Lazy-Boy.

I'm on a boat...

Couldn't get enough of the water so now we're at the boat's pool.

The Bear plays peek-a-boo.

Couldn't tell where he was hiding until he peeked out.

Mr. Bear and Daddy play jump and catch.

Pre-dinner reading. Mr. Bear peruses his 1001 animals book before he places his order.

Bryson decides he would like some white rice (very Asian of him).

The Bear leans back to make sure he's gotten every grain.

Two bowls of rice later, Bryson heads to the deck and relaxes with Lola.

Playing sleep, sleep.

Walking around the deck.

Playing peek-a-boo with Lola.

Star gazing with Lolo.

Tickling Lola.

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