Monday, January 20, 2014

Library Envy

The West Village has a bunch of world class stuff, but after visiting Hudson, I have to say that their library is pretty amazing. It made me pause and wonder what life would be like if we lived in the spaciousness of the burbs. But just for a moment :)

Before the library, we got to celebrate Christmas. Oh how I love these late holiday celebrations. I might even like them more than celebrations day-of. Here is the Bear giving Nana his gift to her. The Bear could probably fit in that gift bag.


The Bear loves the present he gives Nana and throws himself on top of it.


After much cuddling, he delivers the blanket to its rightful owner.


But he gets Nana to agree to a good snuggle.


Blanket-less, the Bear finds comfort in his trusty old fire truck.


And comfort in his Aunt Corey.

And comfort in a train set.

And comfort in animals.

And comfort in puzzles (this one has his all-time favorite transportation vehicles like police car, fire truck, bus, and helicopter).

What to do with a bus and taxi? Why kiss of course!

If you haven't guessed yet, we're at the Hudson library. Not only do they have books, a bright open children's room, toys, puzzles, puppets, and computers, they also have a big train set.

We also happen to arrive just in time for story time.

Here is the Bear following the song to get the wiggles out.

After circle time, we play with Legos, latches, and build a blocks. The Bear also plays peek a boo using the Lego tub to hide.

The Bear spots a lizard. What to do? Why kiss it of course.

Cuddling a camel.

What to do with a camel and a mouse? Why kiss of course! (Seeing a theme here?)

Daddy and Bear bonding.

Mr. Bear asks where Aunt Corey is.

Time for cuddling!

And story time with Nana too!


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