Monday, April 7, 2014

Nautilus Baby

Mr. B is playing a "game" with Daddy where he will say yes one moment and then the next moment say no. For example, Daddy asks, "Want cereal?" The Bear, "Yes!" Immediately after Daddy gives him a bowl of cereal, the Bear shouts, "No cereal!" Repeat for milk, banana, oatmeal... Then it's no surprise that the Bear's tray this morning looks like this.

After school, it is raining and Mommy crosses her fingers that she can go straight home. But she can't quite sneak this past the B who tells her, "Library." She can't resist academic little B.

Daddy is quite adamant that Mommy watch her language at all times and forbids her to use the word "butt." Imagine her surprise when the B picks this as his first book.

He then picks Goodnight Moon - en Espanol.

Then he says, "Magazine," and carefully gets one, which we read together one by one, putting each back after we read it. This is the second magazine he picks.

A koala!

Which the B has to kiss.

He then gets a magazine about a nautilus. Mommy didn't know what this was until the B pointed it out.

Nap time.

Tricky Bear with his eyes closed.

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