Sunday, April 13, 2014

Four Amigos

Mommy heads to work early and takes a quick pic of sweet little B snoozing.

Daddy brings Mr. Bear to school today and on the way, Mr. B calls out, "Dump truck!" 

Mommy picks the B up from school and we head to the toddler playground.

Mr. B brings out his creative side and borrows Stella's chalk
So many things to draw - what to pick?
Mr. B is with Giorgio, Stella, and Axel.
Hugs with Stella
Hanging with Axel, aka Mr. Stick.

Playing with friends.

Stella and B at the steering wheels.

How rare is it to get four kids in a shot.

Almost got all of them looking
 Mr. B busy with the chalk
 Coloring the steering wheel

Proud of his work 

Art aftermath on his shirt.

Admiring the police horses (they have these in NYC - who would have thought?)

Now coloring the bars 

Back at the ranch, it's music time

Instruments made by Mr. B himself - maracas and tambourine.
 Present for B - he refuses to wear it until Daddy tries it on.

Ready for our bike ride next month.

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