Thursday, May 28, 2015

Photo Tour: Mostar Bosnia & Hercegovina Day 5

We showed our passports eight times today. First time to get into Bosnia for a 15-minute drive through the country, then second time to get back to Croatia, then back to Bosnia to drive to Mostar, then back to Croatia. And at each stop, we showed our passports twice - once to the Bosnian passport checker and the second to the Croatian checker. Efficiency at its best!

We visited the famous Mostar bridge, though admittedly, I had never heard of this bridge before. Apparently, it is a 16th century Ottoman bridge that stood for almost half a century before it was destroyed by the Croatians during the Bosnian war. In fact, when we were parking our car, the Bosnian vendor found out that Roman was Croatian and dutifully reminded him that it was his people that destroyed the bridge in the first place. Luckily for us, Roman's people also helped to reconstruct the bridge, and it reopened in 2004.

Interestingly, there are young entrepreneurial men who offer up tourists the opportunity to see them jump from the bridge. For a measly 30 euro. While we didn't see any jumping, they did lots of tempting lean backs and diver poses.

After Mostar, we had frog legs at a restaurant (I of course vigilantly stuck with the vegan rice and vegetables) and then went on a boat cruise where we saw beautiful reflections, boats, ducks, cormorants, and fisherman checking out their frog and eel traps. This was probably my favorite part of the trip. Lots of relaxing!

We then headed to ... you guessed it! Old Dubrovnik for dinner - the same place where we had dinner our first night. Apparently, our group likes to repeat. Which is fine by me because it made the dinner a guarantee that I'd have a great vegan (ish) meal like the first dinner in Croatia.

Tonight, we bid farewell to Roman, Allan, and Miles. They are doing a half day of photo critiquing while Marsha and I head to Montenegro.

Now for the photos - the first one is random. I happened to arrive in Bosnia, and besides seeing the sad, bombed out buildings and homes from the 1991 war with Serbia, I saw this sticker in the bathroom. Funny sense of humor, these Bosnians.

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