Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Bear Recognizes Beck

The Bear gained a bunch of cred from Daddy when he came home from school today and there was a concert DVD being played on our TV.

Daddy (pointing to the screen): Who is that?
Bear (without batting an eye): Beck.
Mommy (who had trouble recognizing Beck after seeing him live was pretty impressed): Ooh.
Daddy: High five! That's my boy!

Later Mommy hears the Bear and Daddy in the kitchen. 

Daddy: How was your day, Bubba?"
Bear: Good.
(after a pause)
Bear: How are you, Daddy?
Mommy (thinking to herself - pretty good conversationalist for a 26 month old)

Later the Bear is playing with his phone and says, "Hello Quinlan, how are you?" Adorable.

Mommy found out today that the Bear made callbacks for the Playschool Hippo commercial. The date is tomorrow, and we'll see what happens from there.

After school today, Mommy and the Bear head to the bakery where Mommy learns her lesson and buys three buns. The Bear chomps through two of them, then plays in the rope park.

Afterwards Mommy and the Bear head to the Big Park (the Bear's request) where the Bear joins a bubble party.

The Bear then finds a random toy on the ground and bites into it to hold it up without hands. Gross, but Mommy takes the picture anyway.

The Bear hates being dirty and asks Mommy to clean his hands.

The Bear finds a shovel and doesn't want to part with it so he takes it down the slide.

The Bear spots a worm. And surprisingly for a Bear who told Mommy that he wanted to pet the boa constrictor and python, he freaks out over the worm and runs away. Silly Bear.

The Bear has learned how to go down the ladder.

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