Monday, May 26, 2014

Lindsay's Graduation

We're baaaack! Bryson and Mommy had a great time with family. Mommy is now making a mad dash to post all the photos from our trip. Here goes!

Mr. Bear and Mommy stuff everything in to two backpacks and head to Boston for Lindsay's graduation. She graduated with a Masters in Music Education from Boston University.

Mr. Bear sporting a purple button down with white vest. Beats Mommy's tights and t-shirt - which she wore for what seems like 7 days straight. Ah, the price of packing light.

Thank goodness Lola packed lots of stuff for Mommy and Mr. Bear, including coche amarillo and coche rojo.

Lindsay booked a very posh (or not so posh) dorm room. Mommy definitely does not miss her college days.

Rob and Mommy practice some photo skills together. Storytelling shots.

He led the others with a quack, quack, quack.

Lola strikes a pose.

Heading to Boston Commons park.


We waited for three hours to get in to this restaurant.

Lindsay's mom, Jenny.


Times like this make Mommy wish she wasn't vegan.

Oyster toast.

Times like this also make Mommy wish she wasn't vegan. Mmmm - lobster roll.

Mommy got lucky - the chef made her a noodle veggie dish not on the menu.

Graduation time!


Not so serious.

Opening speech.

Recognize this keynote speaker? This is the girl from Blossom.

Mr. Bear is impressed.

Now time for coche rojo and coche amarillo.

Aunt Lindsay!

Mr. Bear congratulates Aunt Lindsay.

Mr. Bear gets lucky with shoulders from Uncle Rob. Uncle Rob was kind enough to let the Bear rub his carefully combed hair.

Celebration dinner in Little Italy.

Special certificate to Lola from Aunt Lindsay.

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