Friday, November 1, 2013

Appetite for Destruction: Bryson Stays Home from Daycare

Clocking in at 100.1 this morning, Bryson's daycare turned us down and I found myself heading back home with a fun wrench to my Friday plans.

Here's what happened:

9:01am - Bryson: "Op! Op!" I nodded, used to Bryson's commands to open the fridge. "Up," he then said, and I hoisted the big guy on my hip. Bryson peered around and grinned, "Bluber!" I nodded again and got some blueberries out and gave them to him.

9:03am - "Mo!" I got another handful of blueberries and gave them to him.

9:05am - "Mo!" I gave him another handful.

Repeat the above until the blueberries were all gone. Ah, but the saga continues.

9:10am - "Op!" I opened the fridge. "Up!" Hoisted the boy up. B peered around and zeroed in on the strawberries (Mommy thought she had found a secret spot but apparently the kid has eagle eyes).

Proceed to repeat the above until the entire pack of strawberries were gone.

Continue on to 2 more bananas - half and one third eaten respectively. Then to some cheddar organic crackers. Then to hummus. Then tortilla wraps. Then a pear (just a bite). Then raisins.

My question for you: guess how many times we opened the fridge today?

Answer: at least 50. The kid (aka Chunk Chunk) has an appetite (for destruction!) - ok maybe not destruction. But definitely an appetite. Which he likely gets from me, gosh darn it.

So... Given all the trips what is an ops efficiency leaning Mom to do? How about put a chair in front of the fridge and let him gaze and grab to his heart's content.

Bryson reacts to my No - response to wanting me to "Op!" the veganaise and Tabasco. I mean I gotta have some boundaries, right?

So after a day of that and doing this...

Can you imagine what poor B would turn into if I were stay at home full-time? Yikes!

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