Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Pizza and Play Dates

Bryson kicked off the day with a card game "Things That Go Together." For example, toothbrush with toothpaste and soup with spoon. He did pretty well until we got to large desktop computer with mouse. I was afraid the poor Bear would be confused by 1) who uses a desktop anymore? and 2) the Country City Mouse, who he finally hasn't mentioned for awhile - no more mouse nightmares!

After breakfast, the Bear fed a Scooby Doo snack to Ralphie.

Then Nana tried to get Bryson to say, "See you later alligator!" Bryson is now officially in the repeat mode and is repeating things he hears. When Nana said, "Oh my!" Bryson immediately reponded, "Oh my!" When the Bear heard Nana say alligator, he went immediately to his Richard Scary, "Things That Go" book and opened it to the page where there is an alligator mobile.

Trying on hats.

Mr. Bear then had not just one but two play dates. He freaked out a bit on the first (maybe because there were four other kiddos and lots of adults there), but calmed down once he started playing with the trucks.

Pizza making with Nana.

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