Thursday, December 12, 2013

Mommy and Bryson Night

Daddy kicked off the day by handling wake up and diapers. Here's the Bear at home doing independent morning play.

Bryson did a Lego creation and here's his response to my, "Hold it up so I can take a picture."
First days.

Bath time (yes, more toys to line up).

I was worried about getting him to brush but luckily figured out the secret. Toothpaste!

Bath shots and drinking shots too.

The Bear makes up a new game of circling his submarines around him.

Another new game of using his toothbrush to scrape the shower glass.

Dinner - Mommy cooked! Well not really. Quesadillas yesterday and grilled cheese today. And a persimmon that Bryson found in the freezer.

It is now routine to line up cars at breakfast, at the living room table, at the kitchen counter, even his diaper changing station (read: Mommy moves all 14 cars to each destination upon command).

Mr. Bear said the word sentado today! (I was too slow to take a pic but here is the next word).
Post-school, Daddy had his work holiday party. So it was just the Bear and me.

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