Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Baby Got BACK!!

No, it's not that kind of back. It's literally that the baby wants it back! Back is the theme of the day (or actually the past few months).

This is in the morning when the Bear had a tantrum when I tried to change him from his pajamas into his school clothes. "Back, back!," he tearfully screamed.

As a compromise, we ended up letting him hold it while he was in his stroller on his way to daycare.

This is in the evening at the library. Now that it is just us (and no other friends), B is back to his calm happy self and can read books and magazines calmly and even put them back!
I think Mr. Bear's memory might come more from Daddy's side than from mine. I can tell him the name of an animal one time and even introduce a bunch of animals one time and B can repeat back all of them! In this case, he repeated back vulture, hedgehog, eagle, and lizard.

Here he is giving me the carpet tour and pointing out all the animals.

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