Tuesday, December 10, 2013

First Snow Day

NYC got our first snow day today. Here is the Bear looking out the window.

Even with the cold, the Bear refuses to put on gloves. But boy does he love school. Here is his schedule for the day and his cubby

Back at the ranch, Boo misses Daddy and starts counting his shoes and even sniffing a couple. He also taste tests Daddy's camelbak just to make sure it's working.

Time for chores - the Bear uses the squeegee to clean the shower glass, then decides it's time to make funny faces.

Mr. Bear checks out the family album and points out the Kerala costumed man and keeps saying, "Dadda, Dadda!" I try explaining that he isn't Daddy but the Bear is not convinced.

With Aunt Corey's help, I made this book for Boo. Here's the start.

 Time for independent reading!

Mr. Bear is still sad about the bear from We're Going On A Bear Hunt.

Dinner - here's what the Bear gets when Daddy isn't home. Leftover pancakes and a cheese quesadilla (sadly, this is pretty good cooking for me). Thank goodness Daddy is the main cook in the family.

Bath time - apparently Mr. Bear got in plank position all by himself.

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