Sunday, June 28, 2015

Start of Summer Play Date Party

One of the goals I have thought about but not actually embraced is trying to make more friends with parents with kids Bryson's age. Maybe one day!

So it was pretty cool to get an invite to Juan's summer party at their house (a 3 bedroom - this is the first family we know who owns a 3 bedroom in Manhattan). Mr. Bear loved the trains, muffins, grapes, and orange juice. Yum!

Hide and Go Seek Bear Style

Mr. Bear has this thing where if he closes his eyes (or pulls covers over his head), he is basically hiding and no one can see him. Very ostrich style.

So with that in mind, it shouldn't surprise me too much that this is the Bear hiding when we were playing hide and go seek. Quite a good hiding place, eh?

Daniel Tosh with Aunt Corey

Aunt Corey is in town :) We went to see Daniel Tosh, the comedian at a theater near Prospect Park.


1) Mr. Bear is quite the complimentary Bear. I'm not sure if Daddy is whispering in his ear or what, but here are the things he says...

... when Daddy is doing push-ups...
The Bear: Wow, Dada. You are very strong.

... when Daddy comes out freshly showered with a tie ready for work...
The Bear: Dada, you look very handsome.

(I then say, "What about me?")
The Bear: Mama, you are very handsome too.

... when Daddy starts dancing to the Grateful Dead or Phish...
The Bear: Dada, nice moves!

2) We went to see Daniel Tosh (comedian) last night and when we came home...

Me to the babysitter: How did he do?
Babysitter: Great - he can read!
Me (proudly): Yes, he can :)
Babysitter: And he can sure eat too. He took me on a tour of the fridge and freeze and showed me where everything was.
Me: Right. He can do that too.

3) Not sure where he is getting these new sayings, but the Bear has been spouting some interesting lines. For example...

... in the bathtub with Daddy, Daddy accidentally dropped the cup into the water.
The Bear in response: Don't worry about it for the rest of your days.

(Unclear what that one means.)

And another...

Daddy to Bryson: I saw a double decker bus!
The Bear: You've got to be kidding me!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Professional Shots on the Highline

With Lolo and Lola’s visit, we wanted to get some photos taken of the family. Unfortunately, with the last-minute scheduling of Decker, Alex needed to go to New Paltz for the contract signing, so we ended up minus-Alex. We did get some great shots of the Bear and the family. One of my favorites is Mr. Bear’s new passion for slapping Lolo’s bottom.