Sunday, July 26, 2015

Fire Fighter Museum of Hudson

Sunday we got hit with some rain, so instead of a hike, we headed to the Fire Fighter Museum in Hudson, New York. It was an hour long drive but worth it with amazing trucks from the 1800s. The Bear even got to dress up in costume (with Daddy), climb into trucks and put out fires.

We then came home to move out all of the furniture off the wood floors. We just finished getting the inside of the house painted. Next up this week is getting the floors sanded and stained. 

Chef Bryson + Making Letters and Numbers with Sticks

Alex got out of work early (5pm), so we got an early start and headed out to New Paltz. Even so, poor Mr. Bear had tummy problems and almost barfed. So we ended up making a pit stop at a pool table shop in Jersey. The two shopkeepers must have been confused that we just ended up using their potty and then leaving.

At the new pad, Mr. Bear donned his chef outfit and started piling all his tools into his apron pockets. We had to be careful he wasn’t putting our phones and car keys in there too.

We took a short hike at a trailhead only a 5 minute drive from the house. We didn’t go too far with the Bear insisting on wearing Daddy’s sunglasses (not on his head but tucked into his shirt). Then the Bear started hunting down sticks and then practicing writing. Apparently, Daddy has the Bear practice during bath time, and the Bear writes a letter or number on Daddy’s back as Daddy guesses. I am guessing that this is quite a good excuse for Daddy to get a back scratch.

After grilled cheese for lunch and a nap, we went on another short hike on the Rail Trail. A hiker we passed told us that there was poison ivy next to the trail, so I proceeded to describe it to the Bear. “You know what happens when you touch poison ivy?” Mr. Bear: “No, what happens?” Me: “Well, it gets very itchy and scratch and then bloody and hurts a lot.” Mr. Bear: “Oh…” And later Mr. Bear spent the rest of the hike worried about Alex and I touching the poison ivy. “Is that poison ivy?” and “Watch out! Poison Ivy!”

We also found a great organic supermarket not too far from the house. So for dinner – grilled cheese (for Mr. B of course) and mushroom sandwiches.