Thursday, November 6, 2014

Night Duty: Daddy Pulls a Fast One - Yuck!

The Bear has been having some rough nights waking up and crying for milk. Daddy and Mommy are holding firm and not giving any milk, though we have been giving granola bars because he keeps telling us, "I'm hungry!" (a bit tough not to feed your crying hungry child). The Bear finally lost his voice (due to crying or sickness? Not sure…)

Email exchange between Daddy and Mommy after one of those nights:

Mommy: How did your meetings go? Hope everything went smoothly and your day calms down.

Daddy: Thanks. They went well. Yes have a lot of cleanup to do- no more meetings today.
Btw, I need to tell you the amazing thing I did in the middle of the night.  It involved treasures.

Mommy: I noticed that the Bear had skid marks when he woke up this morning.

Daddy: Yeah- exactly.  He finally fell asleep on his tummy and as I was patting him, I noticed the smell of our familiar friend.  After trying to get him to sleep for like two hours, there was no way I was waking him up to do a diaper change- so, I just reaching in and grabbed it!  talk about yucks!!

Mommy: That is gross papes!! (though I am impressed!)

Daddy: Yeah, but it seemed pretty logical at the time J

Here's the Bear on one of those morning. Not in the mood for photos.

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