Saturday, November 1, 2014

Dr. Spock Goes Trick Or Treating

I was in Connecticut for work, so Daddy went to Manhattan Kids Club for their Halloween parade and party. Daddy reported, "The Bear ate not one but two whole slices of pizza." They then headed to Washington Square Park where the kiddos lined up and walked around the fountain. 

Afterwards, Daddy and the Bear headed to Giorgio's for some trick or treating. Alex and I were stunned by NY style trick or treating. Here's the gist - you take the elevator to the penthouse, and then work your way down floor by floor spotting pumpkin door flyers where you can knock and score candy. Granted, the Bear can't even any of it (not even the organic lollipops), but Mommy is happy to play her part on the team and make sure the candy finds a good home. Mr. Bear got the hang of it, and was knocking and "Trick or Treat" -ing with Giorgio (cowboy) and Stella (Elsa from Frozen). We were pretty weirded out by a pre-pubescent kid who was dressed as Pandora (who knew?). Bryson did score two quarters from an elderly lady, and Mommy got some good looks at apartments inside.

We then headed to Stella's for a Halloween party complete with grapes, mandarin oranges, and crackers (all Bryson friendly). Bryson loved Stella's party (especially the massive patio play area). Afterwards, we sorted through the Village Halloween parade and somehow managed the crowds to get home. Whew!

Daddy with the Dr. Spock ears. 

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