Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Irish Animals

Day 2 of our Irish adventures begins at the Wildlife Safari Park near Corke. The Bear doesn't wait to start showing off his stuff. Here he is showing off his moves to, "He led the others with a quack, quack, quack..."

"Cheetah? Jaguar? Leopard?" Daddy is confused by what this is. Luckily, the Bear knows his animals. "Cheetah, Daddy." Duh.

After checking out the butterfly pavilion, Mr. Bear admires another animal with beautiful colors.

Mr. Bear learns a new animal - meerkat.

The Bear is taller than the ostrich.

"Shoulders, Daddy!"

All sorts of birds with the peacock.

Does Mr. Bear know that it's the male that has the pretty feathers?

Who else hangs out with peacocks? Penguins.

Gibbons. Mommy didn't know what these were until we met them in person.

The gibbons serenaded the Bear with a special song. They puff up the skin right below their chin when they sing and chant. Mr. Bear tried his own impression. Add that to the toucan, and he has quite a start to an exotic repertoire of animal impressions.

Pajaro. "Tweet, tweet," says the Bear.

Welcome to Africa. Oh, the Bear means Ireland.

Uno, dos, tres... the Bear counts the cebras. He can count up to veinte in Spanish.

More cheetahs.


Baby! Right now the Bear is obsessed with the Baby Beluga song and will break out with verses.

Mr. Bear worries that the baby cheetah doesn't have any toys. The Bear wants to share his car carrier and fire truck with the baby.

Another baby. Giraffe this time.

The ostrich stands tall.

Mr. Bear is not intimidated by a cheetah. He gives the cheetah a kiss.

Then he gives the cheetah a snack. He is a sharing Bear after all.

Before we leave the park, the Bear hitches a ride with the baby giraffe.

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