Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Cliffs of Moher, Hawks, and a Cave (Oops Tunnel)

Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Rob plan an action-packed vacation. We start the day off with a visit to the Cliffs of Moher. Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Rob do their cat impression.

We get lucky with a perfect bluebird day.

Not just majestic cliffs, but a castle in the background.

Beautiful cliffs.

Lolo and Lola are reminded of the San Diego blue skies.

Uncle Rob poses with the castle.

Uncle Rob jump.

A far view of the cliffs.

Daddy and the Bear.

Mr. Bear walks all the way up the stairs (over a 100) and then starts to walk back down.

Taking a quick break.

Mr. Bear counts on his own, "Isa, dalawa, tatlo..." all the way up to five in Tagalog. Lolo and Lola have been teaching him a little bit of Tagalog everyday.

One minute the Bear is holding hands. The next he is walking by himself down the stairs. A first!

All tuckered out. The Bear tells Daddy, "Shoulders!"

We head to a restaurant known for seafood. Mr. Bear and Uncle Rob pose gangsta style as they wait for the food.


Yum! Uncle Rob's delicious mussel stew.

Nothing on the menu for us vegans? Luckily the chef whips something up for us.

Oyster toast.

Crab claws for Aunt Lindsay. Mommy is a little sad she no longer eats seafood.

After lunch, we head to the Birds of Prey exhibit. Once we walk through the door, Bryson meets his very first hawk.

He also meets his first owl.

Uncle Rob introduces the Bear to a sea eagle.

Uncle Rob shows the Bear the customary greeting.

Mr. Bear does his own greeting.

Sharing deep thoughts.

Tall bird that goes up to the Bear's chest.

We head to the show. Lolo is a follower of the Bear's sock glove trend.

Lola is thinking of switching over to sock gloves too.

Mr. Bear has a special spot for viewing.

Bird's eye view.

The hawk zooms inches over our heads.

This hawk came from the wild just six months ago and was hurt before he came to the center.

Getting stronger and healing from his injury.

Mommy gets to meet his first hawk eye to eye.

Uncle Rob meets the hawk too.

Harry Potter's owl is here.

Another bird for the Bear.

We've gotten lucky with the weather. Just a little rain everyday... We have a good luck charm bear.

And Mr. Bear has two bears too.

Here we are in the cave. Oh I mean tunnel. The Bear doesn't like tunnels ever since we were in Disney World at the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. So we're not in a cave, Mr. Bear, we're in a tunnel. The Bear is ok with that. And he's even ok with these real bear bones.

Learning about stalactites and stalagmites. Which we learn can sometimes come together and form a column.

Mr. Bear is impressed with his new found knowledge.

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