Monday, November 30, 2015

Holiday Card 2015

Happy Holidays Friends and Family!

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you are having a wonderful holiday season and that your 2015 has been full of adventure, joy, and peace.

We have much to be thankful for!
- A silly 3 ½ year old who loves dance parties, jamming at rock concerts, and rock climbing
- Surviving the adventures that Alex and I plan for each other (rattlesnakes and flash floods and alligator wrestling, oh my!)
- Still having some quality time without the boy (thanks to Nana and Lola for babysitting)
- Crossing off a few Bucket List adventures (seeing polar bears up close in Churchill)
- A new Wolf to join us in March 2016 (we’re not finding out the gender so it’ll be a surprise)!

Attached is our holiday card and here is our holiday video.
Lots of hugs,
Analiza, Alex & Bryson

149 West 12th St Apt 4-5, NY, NY 10011

Friday, November 27, 2015

Cleveland Aquarium

We went to the Flatlands for a visit to the Cleveland Aquarium. Lots of up close time with turtles, sharks, and sting rays.

Vegan Thanksgiving

We had a full Wolf house for Thanksgiving with Nana, Aunt Corey, Aunt Jill, Uncle Earl, Aunt Linda, Uncle Charlie, Aunt Corrine, Aunt Courtney, Skylar, and of course Ralphie and Max. Thanks to Nana, we had vegan meatloaf, vegan mashed potatoes, vegan stuffing, and vegan pies. Yum!

Polar Express to the North Pole

We went on a 7pm Cuyahoga Railroad Polar Express train to visit the North Pole. There were elves, a cook (who made some hot chocolate and cookies), and a train conductor – just on our car. We sang Christmas carols and then later turned off all the lights for our visit to the North Pole. On the way back, Santa said hello – poor Mr. Bear was scared and couldn’t even move. We ended the night with some comforting and snuggling on the way back.