Wednesday, November 16, 2016

More Bryson Moments - Halloween + Scooby Doo


Halloween - we went trick or treating at Amari's building. I had forgotten that we needed a trick-or-treating bag - thank goodness that Amari's mom made him one, taking a white gift bag and drawing an orange pumpkin on it. We then went trick or treating with Amari, her classmate Mina, and Mina's older brother Leo. They were so excited walking to each door with the orange "Trick or Treat" signs on the doors where neighbors were giving out candy. Mr. Bear was particularly proud of his heavy bag - though I was worried. There was no way that Alex would let Mr. Bear eat any of it.

So on the way home with his heavy bag, Bryson asked Daddy, "When will I eat my candy?"
Alex: "Well, let's talk about it. First you need to eat dinner, then have some fruit, then take a shower. Then we can talk about maybe having a treat."
I thought this would drive Bryson nuts. Really? He hadn't even had one treat the entire time of trick or treating.
Bryson thinks about his Dad's proposal then says: "Ok, Daddy. But can we talk about my options?"
Alex: "Ugh, options? How about... you can either have a muffin (Nana had made his some vegan muffins) or a bit of a cookie (Nana had made his some vegan oatmeal and raisin cookies) or... a little bit of one of the treats."
I thought this would drive Bryson nuts. Seriously? A little bit of one treat?
Bryson thinks about this and says excitedly: "Ooh yes! I want a little bit of a treat!"
We then get home where Bryson calmly eats dinner, has fruit, takes a shower. Then he says to Alex: "Ok, I'm ready to pick my treat!"
We then go to Bryson's big bag of candy and he picks out a lollipop.
Bryson says to Alex: "Maybe I can have 2 licks?"
Alex generous as always says: "Bubba, you can have a little more than that. How about 4 licks?"
Bryson smiles happily: "Yes, 4 licks!"
He then has his 4 licks and tells Alex: "I'm good."
He then proceeds to go back to playing with his legos.

It has now been about 2.5 weeks since Halloween and that lollipop and his big bag of candy is still sitting on the kitchen counter. He has never asked about it since.

Seriously? I think for Halloween I had all that candy in Bryson's bag. I was never one for saving. BUT my brother was - so yep, I then raided his bag.


We have been letting Bryson watch Scooby Doo, but poor Mr. Bear has been having nightmares. Last night he told Alex: "Dada! I dreamt I was eating pancakes and then the Headless Horseman came and he took them away!"

So we're going to press pause on the Headless Horseman for now...

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