Saturday, January 24, 2015

Nude at Night & Writing First Letter

Moments in the Bear's life:

1) Bryson is in the habit taking off his PJs and diaper at night. A half hour after putting the Bear to bed, we are finding him buck naked - with his firetruck PJs and night diaper cast off on the ground. We rarely ever race a stern voice to the little guy, but here is a conversation I've heard:

Daddy: What will happen if you take off your die-dies (our slang word for diapers)?
Bear: I will get in trouble. (giggle, giggle)
Daddy: Yes (stern voice). You keep your clothes on at night. No taking them off.
Bear: Yes, no taking off die-dies.

Fast forward to the middle of that night...

Daddy: What did I tell you about your clothes and die-dies?
Bear: (crying) I don't want my die-dies! It is too tight!
Daddy: Sorry Mr. Bear - you put on your die-dies!

2) Mr. Bear is quite the pilot little B. When we saw him in the Poconos after a week of Nana taking care of him in Ohio, the Bear said, "I am glad to see you Mom! I am glad to see you Dad!" (And yes, he has somehow transitioned to saying mom and dad and not mommy and daddy.

3) While we were in Turkey, we didn't have a bath tub at the cave hotel, so Mr. Bear took some showers. There, we practiced drawing on the shower door. And that is when we learned that the Bear can write! He wrote J and then announced, "Look! J!" He then proceeded to show us O and some other letters. Who knew?!

4) The Bear is obsessed with cars (which isn't new), but he is now asking Mommy and Daddy if we'd like a car to take with us as well. So before we leave the house, the Bear will ask each of us, "Do you want a car? Yes or no."

5) Mommy and the Bear are walking to school now. No more stroller (Mommy told the Bear that it is broken).

6) Pre-bath time with a new Bear hat.

7) Attractive photo from Daddy. His caption, "Like mommy, like Bubba."

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