Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Park Shots

Bryson has grown so much in the past month. He can understand much of what we say and can also communicate. He now can say Lola, Lolo, Nana, stick, car, fire truck, milk, Bubba, stroller, cracker, shoes, socks, hat, bowl, oatmeal, bubble, cup, ball, uh oh, walk, bike, down, up, bottle, more, all done, etc. Bryson also has a large animal vocabulary that includes horse, sheep, bird, cat, bear, dog, el (elephant), mon (monkey), duck, lamb, cow, (ar) armadillo, dolphin, cat (caterpillar). He also knows the animal noises that go along with them.

But the coolest thing he can say by far is love you :)

Here he is in his Hawaiian duds.


1 comment:

  1. That's great hand coordination to make such big bubbles, Bryson.
    My, my, my -----27 lbs.
