Sunday, October 18, 2015

Funny Mr. Bear Sayings

1) Lolo pulled out his phone and was trying to make a call.
The Bear, "What is that?!," pointing at Lolo's phone.
Lolo, "My phone."
The Bear, "Why do you have that phone?"
Poor Lolo still has the old school flip phone that requires you hit the keypad as you try to text.

2) Whenever the Bear goes to the potty, as I try to follow him, we will abruptly close the door on me.
"I need privacy Mommy."
Now when did this 3 1/2 year start needing privacy?

3) At work, there were some leftover strawberries and blueberries, and I was psyched to stash a bunch and take it to the Bear for a surprise snack after school.
Me: I have a surprise!
Mr. Bear: Oooh, what is it?
Me: Here!
Mr. Bear (taking the berries): But Mommy, are these organic?
That Daddy is really brainwashing this kid! :)

4) One of the disciplining techniques I use is that when the Bear is having a tough time following directions, I will stop counting down out loud and instead count down with my fingers to show him that he only has 5 seconds, then 4 seconds, then 3 seconds, etc. left.

This was pretty effective until one day when I was playing with the Bear and dropped a car on the floor.
Me: Can you get that for me please?
The Bear: No, Mommy. You get it.
Me: C'mon Mr. B - it's close to you. Can you reach over and grab it?
The Bear - looking at me very seriously... He raises his palm with five fingers up and then shows me four fingers and then three... He is waiting patiently and knowingly. And gosh darn - I did run over and grab that car myself. He then nodded and said, "Ok, now then we can keep playing."

5) Mr. Bear and I were playing another time after school and I was cleaning up the living room.
Mr. Bear: Where is my book?
Me: Book? What book?
Mr. Bear: The Curious George book.
Me: Oh, I like that book.
Mr. Bear: Mommy, where is it?
Me: Mr. Bear, can you help me with cleaning up your cars?
Mr. Bear: Mommy, look at me and pay attention. You're not listening to my question. Listen to my question.

And gosh darn - I did look at him and pay attention and listen. I probably need that kind of reminder more often! Though weird to get it from a 3 year old. Yikes.

6) I tend to always be in a rush or tired and not paying attention. Mr. Bear though always makes sure to give Daddy a hug and kiss. I, though, could probably pass, and be fine. Luckily for me, though, Mr. Bear always checks.
Daddy: I'm leaving for work!
Mr. Bear: Wait! I need a hug and kiss and a pat.
Daddy: Ok - here you go! (gives the Bear a hug and kiss and pat)
Mr. Bear: Oh wait! You need 2 cars (this is an important part of the ritual - the Bear once had a tantrum because he thought Daddy had forgotten to take 2 toy cars in his bag.)
Daddy: I have them, Mr. B. They're in my bag. Ok, bye!
Mr. Bear: Wait! Wait! Hug and pat and kiss for Mommy!

And so that is how I get my hug and pat and kiss for the day. Sad that it is regulated by a 3 year old. Yikes.

7) After school, the teachers (Mr. Ted and Ms. Sabrina) usually give me a report for the day - what the Bear ate, what activities they did (they learned about fire safety last week and the Bear was singing stop, drop, and roll), etc.

This week, Ms. Sabrina told me, "Bryson is too funny. In class, we have play rotations where kids spend time at each station. Bryson was at a station doing a floor plaza, and I called time - all the kids needed to rotate to the next station. He came to me and said, "Ms. Sabrina, I didn't have time to finish the puzzle. Arabella and Axel were too slow, so it's not finished."

Ms. Sabrina said, "Wow. Who talks like that? As a three year old! So funny!"

8) Mr. Bear also has babysittters (at least a dozen of them) that rotate for our date nights. Luckily, he is really good with change and having new people come to the house.

All of them love Mr. Bear because he's "easy" and "sweet" and all that. One time, though, a babysitter told us, "He's a sweetie. Three in the body of a forty year old. He wanted to make sure I did things exactly right. And if I didn't, he would tell me exactly what to do."

That's our Mr. Bear :)

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