Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Sneaky Spanish & Bryson Worksheets

Now that the Bear can be pretty adamant about his opinions, I haven’t been able to convince him to watch his Spanish DVDs. So imagine my pleasant surprise when I discovered that I could get him to watch Spanish DVDs by having him watch his favorite shows (which right now are Cars and Fire & Rescue). Watching movies is actually how I got my Spanish to improve a lot, so this should hopefully be a tried and true technique.

Now that the Bear is a Kanga, he is doing worksheets writing, practicing small, medium, large, and doing lots of fun exercises. Mr. Ted, his teacher, shared some worksheets with me.

Mr. Bear also spent a day at Alex’s daycare when MKC was closed for Columbus Day. They are pretty good with reporting out his daily activities.

Striking a Pose While Sleeping

We drove home past bedtime, and the Bear immediately got into this strange (not sure if comfortable?) pose.

Rail Trail

We did a short hike on the Wallkill Valley Rail Trail.

Mr. Bear has far outgrown his bear hat, but he discovered it when I was sorting through his old clothes and now is very attached. Poor hat barely fits on his very large head (still 99% percentile here).

Minnewaska Hike

We headed to Minnewaska to hike around the lake and then up to views where Alex had run the weekend prior. Mr. Bear did some bouldering and had a little bit of a fall. Luckily, he recovered OK and the Bear was back to his usual antics. He now has some fun poses he loves to strike - when dancing or getting his photo taken.

Poughkeepsie Children's Museum

What to do on a drizzly day? We had planned to go hiking this morning but instead went to the Poughkeepsie Children's Museum where the Bear immediately got busy building a mega-long train. Afterwards, we checked out the beautiful fall foliage on the Hudson River.