Thursday, July 10, 2014

Drinking from the Turtle's Mouth

This morning, the Bear tells Mommy, "I want fire truck milk!"
Mommy: "Sorry, Bryson, but the fire truck milk is dirty."
The Bear: "Let me check."

Mr. Bear didn't believe Mommy and wanted to see for himself that the fire truck sippy cup was indeed dirty. 

Today when Mommy's picked him up from daycare, Ms. Zoe, his teacher, let Mommy know that the Bear had a good day. "He ate well, slept well..." Typical report.

Here is the Bear at - where else - but the Big Park. He finds a purple and pink ball and a blue and yellow bulldozer.

Mr. Bear sees Axel. Axel's grandma is paranoid that Axel will run off - he actually has run off when the playground gate was open. Axel's grandma was calling Axel to come, "Come Axel! Axel come!"

The Bear helps out, "Axel Bosse! Come!" Mommy had no idea what he was saying until Axel's grandma let Mommy know that the Bosse is Axel's last name. Silly Bear!

Catching the ball.

With Jo Jo. Jo Jo's Mommy tells me that Jo Jo will not eat anything but yogurt, cookies, crackers, and snacks. Tough crowd!

Peek a boo.

Kissing the turtle? Nope - the Bear is drinking from the turtle sprinkler. Sanitary? Not sure, but what is Mommy's response but to take a photo.

Stomping around the puddles - of course, today we don't have our sandals on, so we have wet shoes and socks. Later the Bear tells Mommy, "Shoes and socks off please!"

Now Axel is drinking from the turtle's mouth.

The Bear says goodbye to Axel and then takes a few solo shots.

Why go down the slide when you can go down the ladder. Yes facing out - not the safest, but the Bear somehow manages to do it.

Watching a band through the gate. Brazilian, Mommy thinks.

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