Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Axel and the Bear Build a Sand Castle

Mr. Bear just came up to Mommy with Legos that he needed taken apart. His normal way to ask for help was, "Open please." Today he asked Mommy, "Take apart please." Daddy is very proud, "We've been working on that!"

The Bear is also into asking questions for everything. As in...
"I want to take socks off?"
"I want to eat this?"
"I go this way?"

Mommy is not capturing how cute his intonation is, but it is cute!

Outside of being cute, today when Mommy picked up the Bear, Ms. Zoe (his teacher) said, "Bryson is usually very good at following directions, but today we had to give reminders about following directions and not throwing toys. Might be a new stage for Bryson."

Mommy hopes not!

Here is the Bear at the Big Park.

Who greets the Bear at the bottom of the slide but Axel. Axel's grandma tells me that whenever Axel leaves the daycare, he makes sure to give Bryson a hug (and doesn't give any other kid a hug). Grandma tells Mommy, "They play so well together!"

After gracefully climbing through the hole, the Bear watches Axel hands-first approach.

The Bear attempts a hands-first Axel style but then moves back to feet first.

They really do play well together.

Hugs all around. No prompting from Mommy - she swears!

Time for building sand castles.

Yes, this is what you think it is. The Bear is eating sand. And what does Mommy do? Take a picture of course!

Yes, this is what you think it is. The Bear is feeding Axel sand. And what does Mommy do? Why take a photo of course (yes, there is a pattern here).

Climbing Bear.

Playing "ordering at the restaurant" with Sophie and two other girls. The Bear likes to order oatmeal and strawberries.

Mommy and the Bear meet Daddy perfectly and arrive home at the same time.


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