Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Hunter Class News - Kindergarten

A write-up from the PTA newsletter

Just last week, the youngest students reached an important HCES milestone: the Kindergarten Play. On May 4th, all 50 children were on stage for an incredible production of The Lion King! Over several months, the kids dedicated themselves to learning lines and songs, rehearsing roles, supporting each other tirelessly, and finding the happiness and fun in their first big Hunter production. With a dedicated team of parents and teachers behind them, the kindergartners learned what it takes to bring a production of this scale and complexity to life. New theater teacher Amanda Grundy and dance teacher Mariana Ranz went above and beyond to get the show ready in time, putting in extra hours and taking great care with our kids. It was a full team effort, with parents taking the lead on costumes and set-design (which were incredibile!). Even the 4th grade buddies were involved, helping with costume changes and handing out programs on the big day. The play was a HUGE success, and all involved are so very proud of our kids, who celebrated with teachers, family, and friends at a cast party in the mini gym. With the satisfaction of this amazing accomplishment behind them, they will return to their regular kindergarten schedule and academic activities for the rest of the year.
In math the kids are continuing to tackle word problems, but have moved from addition to subtraction. They will finish out the year with a geometry unit with a focus on learning the attributes of shapes. Reading skills got a huge boost from the annual reading challenge; apparently a little competition is quite the motivating force for our youngest students! Ms. Koon and Ms. Guss continue to help the kindergartners develop their reading comprehension, vocabulary, sounds and prediction through fun activities such as "alphabet poetry," where each letter is explored via an informative poem set to the tune of a classic children’s song.
An upcoming science unit will see some new classroom inhabitants — caterpillars! After watching them morph into butterflies the children will work on classifying them into groups as a way to further explore the notion of communities. The year-long theme of community will be closing with the finalization of the studio project with Mr. Sherman. Earlier this year, each child brought in a drawing of a favorite place in their community and transferred it to a clay slab in the shape of a puzzle piece. The completed project will illustrate the importance of each individual child within their community — from their new Hunter community to their local Manhattan neighborhood.
Speaking of community, Ms. Koon and Ms. Guss both expressed gratitude for the sincerely collaborative participation of the kindergarten families this year. So many highlights from the 2017/18 school year were only made possible by the many helping hands of parents, grandparents and friends. They also reflected on the cohesiveness of the class of 2030 — each year has its own unique dynamics and our kids are truly forming their own community of peers. As parents, we too are grateful for the care, instruction and thoughtful shaping all the Hunter teachers, administrators and staff have brought to our kids this year. Together we made it through quite a big transition for our children; now we eagerly await what comes next in their Hunter experience.

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