Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Mr. Bear - 4 Turning 40

Today I picked up the Bear from daycare early.

Bryson: Mama, why are you picking me up early? (This basically never happens - I usually arrive on the dot at 6pm.)

Me: We have a hair cut appointment at Doodle Doo's.

Bryson: Ooh, Doodle, Doo's!

Me: Yep, then we will go to the grocery store, Lifethyme.

Bryson: Ooh, Lifethyme!

Me: Then we'll go to the library.

Bryson (crossing his arms): Mama, that seems like a lot. How about we go to Doodle Doo's and then to Lifethyme. Then we should go home because that is already two things and we need to have dinner.

By the way, I'm quite proud of this, but Mr. Bear is now using his three section plate and we have been placing three different things in it each night. Tonight, he is eating raw carrots, red peppers, and spinach (which we call salad). Yay!!

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