Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Video: Bryson's Spooky Story at the Bonfire

Bryson has really gotten his spooky story down - it's got bad guys, detailed voices, thrilling chases, and even chapters separating out the action.

Here's Mr. Bear sharing a spooky story by the bonfire.


Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Mr. Bear - 4 Turning 40

Today I picked up the Bear from daycare early.

Bryson: Mama, why are you picking me up early? (This basically never happens - I usually arrive on the dot at 6pm.)

Me: We have a hair cut appointment at Doodle Doo's.

Bryson: Ooh, Doodle, Doo's!

Me: Yep, then we will go to the grocery store, Lifethyme.

Bryson: Ooh, Lifethyme!

Me: Then we'll go to the library.

Bryson (crossing his arms): Mama, that seems like a lot. How about we go to Doodle Doo's and then to Lifethyme. Then we should go home because that is already two things and we need to have dinner.

By the way, I'm quite proud of this, but Mr. Bear is now using his three section plate and we have been placing three different things in it each night. Tonight, he is eating raw carrots, red peppers, and spinach (which we call salad). Yay!!

Videos: Scarlet Binkie + Bryson Scares

Scarlet with her binkie

Bryson loves to hide and scare.

Here he is scaring Nana

Another scaring Nana

Now scaring Lola

Bryson sings King of the Mountain

Rolling down the hill with the Wingaders

Sliding down the metal ball at Union Square

Kindergarten Admissions - Start Your Engines

I am putting in an application for Kaufman Special Music School (a FREE gifted program for music K-12!) and am astounded by the questions they ask. Below is my attempt at the answers. Next step are two musical classes where they assess whether Bryson has musical talent. They pick the top 25 kids from the city - good luck Mr. B!

What makes you think your child might be musical? 
What kinds of musical activities does your child participate in at home? 
What musical events has your child attended? 
Has your child had formal music lessons or classes? If so, what kind? Does s/he play a musical instrument? If so, how long has s/he studied? 

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Jackson Pollock

Bryson is learning about Jackson Pollock at school. We spent part of the weekend creating his own Jackson Pollock t-shirt. Of course I stripped off his clothes, put down towels everywhere, made him wear gloves, and siloed him off in the laundry room.

Trolley Museum

We visited the Trolley Museum playing with trains and even riding an old trolley through Kingston.

Kingston Farmers Market

We spent Saturday morning at the Kingston Farmers Market and then at the Solar Energy Fair. Bryson even got to make his own light saber.

Arts and Crafts Fair at Ulster County

Nothing like some good music and playing with your sister/brother!

Twenty Rolls of Toilet Paper

Bryson got super excited about the Walmart delivery and proceeded to transport the toilet paper around the apartment.

Scarlet + Bryson

Photos from different mornings (Scarlet is holding her bottle by herself!) and at the library. Plus, Bryson's first days as a Butterfly at MKC.

Bryson also took his Stanford Binet intelligence test for the ridiculously difficult Hunter Elementary School - only the top 25 kids in the city get into this free public gifted and talent school. Yikes!

Boris at Washington Square Park

We had a play date with Boris, Kristen, and his kids Viva and Felix. Viva and Felix's mom Kristen just put out a new movie Camera Person.


Underwear Hats

It's laundry time - and time for Bryson to put my running shorts on his head and boxers on Scarlet's head. Thankfully, we're talking clean laundry here :)

Union Square Playground

Scarlet, Bryson, and Daddy hang out at the Union Square Park.