Monday, March 7, 2016

Uncle Rob’s Visit

Uncle Rob booked a flight to NYC several months ago, and I warned him, “There’s a good chance that the baby will come early – so you might be one of the first family members to meet her/him.” Who knew that not only would I be right, but she would be over a month early!

When Uncle Rob met Scarlet, the first thing he said was, “She looks like a monkey!” Proud mom that I am said, “You’re kind of right.” J

But the one thing I can say for sure is that she has gained a lot more weight since leaving the NICU. She has since gained 8 ounces after 5 days from being out of the NICU and is 5.1 pounds. We have another doctors appointment this week so we will see how much more she has gained. She has definitely filled out and gotten chubby cheeks.

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