Saturday, August 24, 2013

Mr. Bubble: Bryson Storms the Bubble Stand

"This is definitely too old for Bryson," I thought to myself as we watched the mostly 8-12 year olds (and some adults) grab the large sticks, dip them into big Home Depot buckets full of bubble juice, and then attempt to make a big bubble. After watching for a few minutes, I turned the stroller away towards home only to hear Bryson start grunting in his stroller,"Up, up!" I shrugged, unfastened his belt, and before I knew it this barely 17 month old was grabbing the sticks and attempting to make big bubbles of his own. Intimidated by the older kiddos? No way! When a 10 year old girl tried to dip her sticks in his bucket, he gave her an intimidating look (whatever that means for a toddler) and yelled, "Mine!" (First time I had heard that word from this little guy.) Bryson continued his streak of surprising me and somehow even made a few bubbles!


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