Saturday, August 24, 2013

First Time! Bryson Reads and Plays with Another Friend

We've been following Baby Can Read for a year now, and while that company has now gone out of business, I have to say that I think it works. Bryson was playing with a sign at the park, pointed to the word dog, and said "Dog." Now isn't that reading?

Also for the first time (or maybe the first time I took a picture), Bryson is actively playing with friends - talking, chasing, waving, hugging, and whatever else kiddos do. Here he is with Axel (who is also in his school).

At school right before going to the water park

Bryson is also enjoying FaceTime with Lola and gives her kisses (sometimes even unsolicited)!

I think Bryson might know who that "other baby" in the mirror actually is. Here he is playing with his reflection.

First time meeting a fireman in person... Bryson can say, "Fire truck" and also recognizes the siren.

1 comment:

  1. Kisses, lots & lots, to you, my Bryson. Lola is just so amazed by you!
