Saturday, August 1, 2020

Times of Coronavirus

I've been pretty behind on photos ever since coronavirus. Here's an update on what we've been up to.

A couple highlights from our winter break - tipi and Big Bend canoe trip.

Shortly after that, this quote to set the stage for coronavirus.

We immediately moved to New Paltz where the kids enjoyed our path outside.

Stockpiling food. We avoided interacting with people and were self-quarantined for 3 months.

Bryson engaged in daily projects where he would pick a topic, research it, write, do a visual project (below is the Great Pyramids), and present it at dinner.

Bryson puts down "kuya" - older brother in Tagalog.

Poor Scarlet tries to get attention while I work and passes out. That's my desk, a cardboard box.

We did a ton of work on our backyard path.

Bryson's project on the history of baseball.

Bryson's project on chess.

Bryson's remote learning at Hunter.

Scarlet learning to bike on her strider.

We installed Ring cameras - a bear in our neighborhood.

Winter sledding in the yard.

Snow angels.

Bryson's timeline of the world.

Bryson's project on the phonograph and Tesla.

Bryson created a schedule for himself with chores, working on projects, and playing with his sister.

Poor Bryson had his birthday party cancelled. We had a birthday party with cake with our family.

Pokemon presents.

Fort time.

Scarlet's art showing a brown skinned girl.

Dress up time.

Bryson and I read Ender's Game together.

Costume station.

Scarlet had a couple playdates online.

Jam session. I also bought a guitar to try to play Bryson's favorite song - Old Time Road.

Gift for Daddy.

Easter egg hunting in our yard.

A late snow and sledding in the yard.

Bryson created a sculpture - Eye of the World. Creepy.

Bike ride past a sculpture garden.

Science experiments.

Famous French museum - Louvre.

Bryson's Essential Workers Poster.

We used these stones to create a backyard border.

We created planks throughout the backyard for a path.

Cupcake making.

We got a baseball pitching machine for Bryson for his birthday.

Mother's Day dandelion (weed) lunch.

And caramel popcorn.

We are reading Harry Potter. Have gone through 6 books!

Got lucky with an online order.

German chocolate cake.

Planet project with fruit and vegetables.

Bryson's baseball cage.


Riots in NYC - these were from our apartment. Lucky we weren't there.

Florida visit to feed a giraffe.

Thunder Ridge.

Bryson rock climbing indoors.

First attempt to teach Scarlet to ski. Much better after putting her in lessons.

Gymnastics Sunday Bounce.

Sleepy Bear.

Bryson in Eric's World.

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