Saturday, January 27, 2018

Videos: Ohio + New Paltz + NYC ... Scarlet Counts to 10!

Videos from Bryson and Scarlet's visit to Ohio as well as New Paltz and a few from NYC. Skiing, sledding, throwing balls with Ralphie, Bryson reading to Scarlet, blanket war, and bathtub fun.

Scarlet counts to 10

Hall and Oates - "You Make My Dreams Come True"
Video here

Bryson reads to Scarlet

Michael Jackson - "Rock with You"
Video here


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Fun (Skiing) and Not So Fun (Pipes Freezing)

Alex took Bryson skiing while they were in Hudson – and Mr. Bear can now ski blues. Woohoo!

On the not so fun front, our pipes froze in New Paltz so there was no heat and no water for the weekend. Boo L
Luckily, Mr. Bear and Scarlie were able to keep themselves occupied with lots of games like peek a boo from the Castle.


Scarlet and Bryson Antics

Fun photos from Alex’s phone of Scarlet’s antics (messy eating and falling asleep in my lap at the library), Bryson’s lego madness, Ms. Eileen at MKC, Bryson doing some indoor rock climbing in Hudson, and delicious homecooked food.

Rockefeller Center

Bryson and I visited Alex at his work near Rockefeller Center to see the ice skating rink, huge Christmas tree, and also the Lego Store. Bryson even got to see Alex’s office and the view from above.

There were also lots of great store decorations and city lights. And Bryson looked cute in his holiday wrapper for Hunter's holiday concert.

We also got tickets for Alex and Jill to see A Christmas Story in Hudson.