Monday, July 29, 2013

Babysitter Cancels? ... Bring Baby to the Rock Concert!

Alex is amped about Beck playing an acoustic show in the Village.

But 1 hour before the show, the babysitter texts (yes texts!) that she can't make it.

Solution? Bring the baby to the rock concert!

Just gotta get past the bouncers.

And get the sippy cups past security.

Get a spot one row behind the stage and try to distract Bryson with cheez-its.

Beck comes out for his opener and...

Bryson drops a deuce!

Alex and I somehow clear the floor and do a diaper change right then and there as people are rocking out...

So now Bryson is 16 months old and has seen three (yes THREE!) rock concerts.

#1. Governor's Ball (Grizzly Bear, Beirut, Animal Collective, Yeasayer)
#2. Femi Kuti
#3. Beck

16 months old and the boy has seen more than I saw at 16 years old.

Alex says, "If he's not cool when he grows up, that'll be his own fault."

(Way to stick it to him, Dad!)

This is what happens when you rock out hard

Hipster style - sippy cup in the back pocket

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