Monday, April 3, 2023

Bryson Sneakers, Killington, Stratton

 Bryson somehow got into sneakers. Here we are shopping for his birthday present.

On the Killington gondola.


Analiza's Rhode Island Visit, CEO Women of Color Retreat, Killington

 Analiza was able to spend time with her good friends, Alesha, Bryant, and his wife, Becca.

At the CEO Women of Color Retreat at Lone Rock, near Denver, Colorado.


Scarlet’s 7th Birthday

Scarlet had a fun February month celebration.

We kicked it off with almost front row tickets to Aladdin.

We celebrated Scarlet’s actual 7th birthday on the Windham slopes. Scarlet got a birthday surprise with Georgia and her family at Windham that day, too. Scarlet had fun showing Georgia all her favorite runs.

Alex got a photo with the Cheers celebrity.

Scarlet showing off her many skills for Georgia.

We got Bryson a present too.

Alex's homemade cake for Scarlet.

We also had a small party at home with a Darth Vadar pinata (who knew that you could do pinatas at home instead of outside), ice cream, candy, and pizza.

Bruna, Celeste, and Bruna's brother, Andrew


We also celebrated with letting Scarlet get her ears pierced at Rowan (they only have licensed nurses), followed by cookies. Scarlet is wearing the dress Celeste got her.

Scarlet's present from Bruna. Scarlet named him Rocky, short for Rocket.

Scarlet's candy sale.


2022 Quiroz Wolf Family Album

Many (many!) years ago, I used to create photo albums for trips. 1 trip = 1 photo album. During one of my mom's cleaning purges, she gave me the choice to take my many boxes of albums OR dump them. She did this all of my yearbooks, plaques, certificates, and trophies too. I chose somewhere in the middle ground and ended up taking photos of them and then letting them go.

So once a year, I make one album, which I give to Alex. Here is our 2022 album.

Hope you like it!

Scarlet’s Art and Writing - Whale Shark, Mac & Cheese, Chloe & Lily Adventures

 Here are some snapshots from Scarlet’s art and writing from first grade.