People think I like to sensationalize things. But really! Scarlet did meet a copperhead. She almost touched the thing while we were climbing.
We were rock climbing as a family and the kids were arguing
over who would stand where. It’s a tiny ledge after all to fit all four of us.
Scarlet put her hand down to move the pile of leaves when suddenly she screamed,
“Snake!” I couldn’t see the thing (I was behind a tree on the ledge and Alex
was still climbing, otherwise I would have scooted my way back down the cliff).
But I got a photo. The thing was a … copperhead!!!
How do I know? Cuz google said so. That’s how. And Google is
God, yep!
Thankfully the copperhead slithered back to it’s hole.
Scarlet swears she touched it, “It felt slimy.” So even better that Mr. Copperhead
(that’s his name, you know) was cool with being petted.
The kids also had some other climbing adventures. But boring
compared to the one with Mr. Copperhead.